How to Order

How to order from Enphase Store?
  • 1. Access Enphase store at
  • 2. Use your Enlighten credentials to login or create a new account with your email
  • Note: If you do not have an Enlighten account and are signing up for Enphase store, an Enlighten login will be automatically created for you.
  • Signing up for Enphase store
  • 3. Add products you need to the shopping cart and choose your shipping option
  • 4. Pay for your products with a credit card or Paypal
  • 5. View complete invoice (including tax & shipping) and expected delivery time before placing the order.
  • 6. Receive confirmation of order, order shipment and FedEx tracking information as the order is processed
  • Ordering on Enphase store
  • 7. Installers can order for their homeowner customers and ship directly
  • 8. Shipping options: Enphase store offers ground, regular and premium shipping options for all shipments. All Enphase store orders are shipped via FedEx, our preferred delivery partner.